
Published Research Papers
Publication Print Details Title Link Author/Authors
BMH Medical Journal ISSN 2348-392X, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 4, p. 122-125, aug. 2017. ISSN 2348-392X Air Leak Syndrome An Unusual Presentation of Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonitis (for reference)
BMH Medical Journal Journal – ISSN 2348-392X, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 12-15, sep. 2017. ISSN 2348-392X. A Case of Tracheal Tumor Masquerading as Asthma (for reference)
BMH Medical Journal Journal -ISSN 2348-392X [S.l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 100-102, apr. 2017. ISSN 2348-392X.. Central Sleep Apnea Presenting as Nocturnal Angina (for reference)
.JACOB, Neena
Pneumonol Alergol Pol 2016; 84: 160-16 Dietary pattern and asthma in India Dr.Noufal
BMH Medical Journal Journal – ISSN 2348-392X, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 12-15, sep. 2017. ISSN 2348-392X. A Case of Tracheal Tumor Masquerading as Asthma (for reference)
Astrocyte Vol:4; Issue:1&2; April-Sept 2017 Surgery in Pleuro-Pulmonary Tuberculosis: on the comeback trail;year=2017;volume=4;issue=2;spage=111;epage=124;aulast=Yusuf Nasser Yusuf, C.P. Rauf, Nihal Yusuf
Lung India Vol: 34; Issue: 2; 2017 Air Leak: An unusual manifestation of Organizing Pneumonia secondary to Bleomycin;year=2017;volume=34;issue=2;spage=173;epage=175;aulast=Namitha R Namitha, KP Nimisha, Nasser Yusuf, CP Rauf
BMH Medical Journal Vol: 3; No: 2; April-June 2016 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis due to domestic Mold file:///C:/Users/DELL/Downloads/88-1-833-1-10-20170729.pdf
for reference
Dr. C. P. Rauf, Dr. Deepak Kumar,
BMH Medical Journal Vol: 3; No: 2; April-June 2016 A Case of unexplained Dyspnoea
for reference:
BushnaBavumon, KondetiSivaprasad, Ravi ManoharYadav, V Visal, CP Rauf
Annals Medicus ( = Vol:2; Issue:1, Jan-2015 Unusual Progression in Melioidosis
Dr. Ajay Ravi, Dr. Jerry Jose, Dr. Visal .V. Dr. MuhammedShafeeq, Dr. Sanjeev Shiva sankaran, Dr. Premanath. P.
AnnalsMedicus ( Vol: 1; Issue: 2; April 2014 Pancreatic Pseudocyst with Pleural Fistula presenting as Haemorrhagic Pleural Effusion – A rare entity Dr. Jerry Jose, Dr. MuhammedShafeeq, Dr. Ajay Ravi Dr.Visal V
Pulmon Vol:16; Issue:1; Jan-April 2014 Yellow Nail Syndrome Dr. SanjeevShivasankaran, Dr. Jerry Jose, Dr. Visal. V, Dr. Ajay Ravi, Dr. MuhammedShafeeq. K., Dr. Premananth. P, Dr. AsifZahoor Khan, Dr. C. P. Rauf
Annals Medicus ( Vol-1, issue2, April 2014. Pancreatic Pseudocyst with Pleural Fistula Presenting aAs Hemorrhagic Pleural Effusion- A Rare Entity Dr. Jerry Jose, Dr. MuhammedShafeeq. K., Dr. Ajay Ravi, Dr. Visal. V.
Kerala Medical Journal Vol: V; | Issue: 1; March 30, 2012 Extra Lobar and Intra Lobar Pulmonary Sequestrations Report of 4 cases Dr. C. P. Rauf, Dr. Sangeetha, Dr Deepak Kumar, Dr. Deepti Krishnan, Dr. Umar Majid
Kerala Medical journal Vol-V, issue 1; 30 March 2012 Extralobar and Intralobar Pulmonary Sequestrations – Report of 4 Cases Dr. C. P. Rauf, Dr. Sangeetha, Dr. Deepak Kumar. R, Dr. Deepti Krishnan, Dr. Umar Majid
Pulmon Vol:12; No. 2; September – December 2010 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis in a Mother and Son due to Domestic Mold Dr. C. P. Rauf, Dr. Deepak Kumar,
Pulmon Vol:12; No. 1; January-April 2010 Berylliosis In A Dental Mechanic Dr. C.P Rauf, Dr. Deepti Krishnan
Kerala Medical Journalv Vol:1; Issue:1; 30 September 2008 Re- expansion Pulmonary Oedema Dr. Mahajan. G.N,* Dr. Sangeetha. E,* Dr. C. P Rauf,**
Pulmon Vol: 9, No: 1; Jan-Apr 2007 A Case of Morgagni Hernia
Pulmon 2006;8:1:21-26 Report on Two Families with Hereditary Angioedema Rauf. C. P, Sunil. N. K, Sangeetha. E
Kerala Medical Journal Vol:36; No: 2; April1995 Incidence of Pollens in Calicut City Air Dr. C.P. Rauf, V.K. Satheesh
Kerala Medical Journal Vol:33; No: 6; August-September 1992 Airborne Fungal Spora of Calicut City Dr. C.P. Rauf, V.K. Satheesh

From the year 2006 to 2018, Chest Hospital has the privilege of successfully imparting Post-Graduate training in Respiratory Medicine (DNB, Respiratory Medicine) for 25 students as part of its accreditation to National Board of Examinationsunder Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Governmentof India

Our Successful DNB Residents
Dr. Neena Jacob Dr. Preena. A
Dr. RenjuRamachandran Dr.Nimisha. K.P
Dr. Namitha. R Dr. Siva Prasad
Dr. BushnaBavumon Dr.Yadav Ravi Manohar
Dr. Dave Amit Kumar Jithubhai Dr. Ajay Ravi
Dr. Visal.V Dr. Jerry Jose
Dr. AshtekarAmol Anil Rao Dr. AsifZahoor
Dr. JayamolRaveendran Dr. SanjeevShivashankaran
Dr. PremAnanth P Dr. MuhammedShafeeq. K
Dr. Thejus. K Dr. Deepak Kumar
Dr. Umar Majid Dr. Deeptikrishnan
Dr. Sangeetha. E Dr. Mahajan GN
Dr. Mansoorali

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